Saturday, 6 October 2012

20 Years To REM's "Automatic for the people"

October 1993. Only a year passed since REM's album Out Of Time which paved their way to all American ears (and also global ones), and it was very hard to predict what would I discover on the next one, which would be their eighth. The answer was completely out of time, while they made one of the best records of the nineties back then. Automatic for the people was released on 5th October and earned Platinum records all around the world due to its great songs. No one knew then that it would be one of the last albums with the drummer Bill Berry and his old friends: Micheal Stipe (Vocals), Peter Buck (Guitars) and Mike Mills (Bass and Keyboards), but it doesn't matter today that much. It was hard to choose but here are my favourite songs of that album. I know that not all of you will agree with me but it's OK. Enjoy

1) Drive

In 5 words: Best driving song ever composed
Favourite Line: What if I ride? what if you walk? What if you rock around the clock?

2) Sweetness Follows

In 5 words: Sadness first, sweetness follows
Favourite Line: I used to wonder why did you brother? Distanced from one, blind to the other

3) Nightswimming

In 5 words: Mature retrospective on youth pool parties
Favourite Line: It's not like years ago, the fear of getting caught, the recklessness in water

4) Man On The Moon

In 5 words: It's not dedicated to Niel Armstrong....
Favourite Line: If you believed they put a man on the moon, a man on the moon

5) Find The River

In 5 words: Life is like a river stream
Favourite Line: Watch the road and memorise, This life that pass before my eyes

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