The Orchid is a flower with colourful and fragrant bloom which belongs to the Orchidaceae family. There are more than 26,000 species. But there is a sad story behind the name of this flower if we take into consideration the Greek mythology. Orchis was the son of a Nymph and Satyr who drank to much in a festival arranged by Dionysus. He tried to rape one of Dionysus' priestess and was torn apart by the Bacchanalians for insulting Dionysus. Although his father prayed for him, the gods turned him into flower. As part of Magnificent Bloom series, here are five songs about this beautiful flower by Sun Kil Moon, Martina Topley-Bird, Psychic TV, Sarah Fimm and Lotus
Sun Kil Moon - Blue Orchids (Taken From April, 2008)
Psychic TV - The Orchids (Taken From Dreams Less Sweet, 198
Sarah Fimm - Orchids (Taken From Nexus, 2004)
Lotus - Orchids (Taken From Lotus, 2011)
Martina Topley-Bird - Orchids (Taken From Same Place Simple, 2010)
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